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January 25, 2017KOSSO EXPORTATION:
Kosso (Pterocarpus erinnaceous) is a West Africa hardwood. It became listed under CITES early last year (2016).
The listing took effect on May 9 and requires all international shipments of kosso to be accompanied by CITES documentation. Most crucially, the listing means China and other kosso consumer countries will now be able help stem the flow of illegal kosso by demanding evidence of legal origin.
Chinese officials have pledged to step up efforts to enforce CITES legislation.
Therefore, Nigerian government decides to amends the bill governing endanger species by signing new ammendment into law.
So, on the 30th of December, 2016 the new amendment was signed into law by President Muhammad Buhari.
Now, The intent of this amendment is to bring the penalty provisions in line with economic realities and to act as a deterrent or deter people from trafficking and trading in endangered species because they are preserves of the country.
This law has been in existence, but what the National Assembly has done and the president has assented to today is to increase the penalty for violation of the provisions.
Yes, kosso exporters will be affected as the new law if enforced we made exportation of kosso to be more sophisticated and will require more than an excuse of using it as furniture to export a container load.
However, kosso exportation will still definitely go on for few ones who can jump the hurdle excellently with good facts or reason(s) for exportation.
Although, kosso is also part of the hardwood being exported, but it is not the only hardwood West African countries can boast of. We have doussie, Mahogany, teak, Gmelina, Azobe, Tali, Padauk and many more that are free from endangered species listing and are excellent alternate to kosso.
Although, it might be a hard blow for hardwood exporters based on the new law and the listing on CITES but it is still a welcome development as we will always support all that will stop environmental degradation and will always work towards green earth.
Written by:
Olajide Joseph
BlackCamel Energy Ltd